God’s word, it amazes and challenges me every day. Wisdom is the treasure of God, which He reveals to us day after day in a profound manner taking us to various depths of love and knowledge.

In this space, I share with you what I’ve learned through my time from the Word. I know that only learning isn’t sufficient but walking in the word is crucial in a believer’s life. As much as I desire to walk in the Word, it’s not always easy. My intent is to encourage you, my dear friend, in your walk with God with words that He has used to strengthen my own walk with Him.

I was born and raised in the southern part of India. I’m a Clinical Researcher by profession, YouTuber by Passion, and Believer by choice. I’ve always had the passion to make small videos in the family, so decided to use it to help and inspire others! I’m married to David and am blessed with a son, Aaron. As a family, we love to explore food and culture. 

I believe that we need to enjoy where we are, with what we have and spread the love of God to make our community a better place.