Fear of moving into the unknown

When the abyss of the unknown is a dreadful terrain to climb, we find it difficult to even start the journey. The fear that sets in when there is an absence of familiarity is real. This could be the reason why we often procrastinate a task. This fear needs to be dealt with because discouragement and self-demotivation will soon set in.

The Bible very clearly teaches us how to handle unknown terrains. The Old Testament has many examples of how God leads His children from one level to another in terms of leadership and growth. For example, Joshua. Joshua a brave and wise man who was the perfect fit to Moses’s role to lead the people of Israel. Many times, even the qualified do get terrified of the assignment God is bestowing upon them. Joshua’s fear is relatable and we would have experienced it. Let’s analyze why God had to tell Joshua all those words of encouragement and motivation in Joshua 1: 2-9 to lead the Israelites?

  1. Loss of your leader: Joshua had just lost his leader Moses. Joshua was very fond of Moses and followed every instruction and grew along with him. Many times, a comfort zone is created around us when we dwell in the shadow of a very efficient leader. It hinders us from realizing our potential to independently take decisions and commune with God. Although it is not a wrong zone to be in, however when we the leader is removed, it becomes difficult to take decisions. Fear sets in and we tend to justify it based on our past experiences.
  2. The First Task by God: God is an amazing strategist in making us grow in leadership, in accomplishing and fulfilling the assignments he has for us. He makes sure that one is well equipped and experienced before he moves ahead. The first assignment for Joshua was to lead the people of Israel through river Jordon. By now, we need to understand that the Israelites have grown in number, witnessed many miracles by God and have enjoyed the privilege of His provision even in the wilderness. This means they were comfortable with Moses and his communion with God. Joshua was now whom they had to accept orders from replacing Moses. The people had crossed Red sea before with Moses, so they had seen victory. However, with a new leader Joshua, and the river Jordon would have been a hard pill to swallow. Joshua needed confidence first before he could receive the confidence before he could instill the same in the people. God gave it to Him simple and straight. The best part was when he starts with don’t not fear for I am with you.

God encourages Joshua
God knows us much better than ourselves. Many times, He understands that it is just a push we need with motivation that we can do it. That’s what God did to Joshua, He knew Joshua has always looked up to Moses and not God. So now God moves him to look unto Him by assuring Joshua that He is with him like He was with Moses. In fact, he tells him the complete plan to move ahead and outcome of it too. The requirement was only obedience to God. Joshua did just that moving ahead into unfamiliar situations with God in complete obedience. God gave Joshua the victory.

Many times it’s just obedience and holding on to God is what is required of us to victorious even when we are navigating an unknown situation. We serve an all-powerful God. And greater than he who is in this world. Yours is the victory with God beside you.
