Big things often start small

We, as children of God, are called to do great things for Him. Many of us donÕt know yet. That is because we are in the process of being positioned. Great people do great things and we are not born great. We become great by the grace of God. So it is important for us to understand that everything starts small.
The important first step is for us to start. That small idea that you have held on to for too long, is your God-given idea. Our lives have become so busy and commitments are so overwhelming that we forget the dreams and passions we have. It often takes a back seat. However, let us thank God there is a transformation in the mindset of people in this generation where we dare to follow our passion. This was a gradual transition though because our ancestors sacrificially worked in making our life easier than theirs. I believe the hand of God is in it because every generation has its own role to play as we move toward the second coming of Christ. So how do we go about an extravagant and ambitious plan we all have to positively impact the kingdom of God? Have you ever noticed how big things in life often start small? A house church, a small blog, a 30-second youtube video, or even a 5 minutes sermon. It all starts small. Remember the Bible verse where the one who is sincere in little is rewarded with many. It applies here too. God starts you off small and gradually expands because we are trained on the job. Creation began with a word. Life begins with a breath. Books, businesses, and inventions start with a simple idea. And our individual purpose begins with a single step – a step of faith, a step of courage, a step into the unknown.
So why is it so difficult for us to take that step of faith? It is difficult for us because our human mind tends to calculate the pros and cons, of overseeing the Hand of God. The supernatural component and the key investor in your calling, but it takes a back seat when you think logically. What small step has God asked you to take? No matter what it is or how small it seems, go ahead and do it. God wouldnÕt have entrusted this idea to you if you werenÕt capable. So start working on it. Do your research equip yourself with the skills it needs and keep pushing forward to make that idea – your purpose – a reality for the kingdom of God. Many of us are not able to judge which is a God-given dream and which is a flying fantasy. A God-given dream will be on your mind all the time, meaning in spite of your busy schedule you will be thinking about it unconsciously. Remember, the Holy Spirit is there to keep you on track if you commune with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher one could have.
So while you were reading this blog, that idea that crossed your mind, which has been with you for a long time, thatÕs your calling – Your God-Given idea.
Good Day and God Bless.
