Power of Godly Affirmations

Godly affirmations are those words that carry the blessings of God. These words are spoken through the faith of blessings yet to be received. In other words, trusting and thanking God for what he is going to do. It is also an act of faith to remind yourself of the promises pertaining to your life.
Our life is a roller coaster and many times we are not going to find our cheerleaders to keep us motivated, we need to be our own cheerleaders. We need to find that hand to pick ourselves up and move on. Godly affirmations are those encouraging thoughts based on the Bible to help you not to give up.
Godly affirmations will help you in the following areas of your life.
Identity – Godly affirmations will help you handle questions of self-doubt. Self-doubt creeps-in as thoughts at our lowest. That’s when we begin to question ourselves and everyone around us. When our identity is clouded with doubt you will not be able to keep your focus. It’s difficult and you’d wish for someone to re-enforce your identity. Godly affirmations will do that for you. When you read and tell yourself biblical truth, you see chains of self-doubt fall.
Will not allow you to give up – Hope is like that breadth of air to a suffocating person. It’s amazing what Hope can do to a person who is on the verge of Giving up. Hope will always make you rejoice. When you rejoice in the Lord, you stand tall in faith. Faith in God will never allow you give up. Romans 12: 12 clearly state how you can rejoice in Hope and patient during tribulations. Never give up, draw your strength from the Lord to keep you moving forward. Godly affirmations will help you draw that strength mentally. When you have scriptures sowed in your heart, the Holy Spirit will remind you that God is in control. Speak life into your life. Let there be faith talk and God affirmations will help you to blossom Hope in your life and others around you.
Will help you walk in your purpose – You were made for a purpose, a divine purpose for the Kingdom of God. No one, absolutely no one has been created by accident. You are part of a great purpose that God has for you to complete. When you walk through life, discouraging events are inevitable and that is going to deviate you from the purpose for your life. If you’re focused on God, you’ll understand that according to Romans 8:28, all things work today for you for his purpose. You can’t give up because of life’s tests and tribulations. We all need that moment of encouragement to keep moving ahead. Sometimes a single line will help you accomplish great things for Christ. Godly affirmations are just a tool to help you do it.
Connected to the Holy Spirit – Holy Spirit is the most important person you need to be connected with in this age and time. He was always important but now He is crucial. Without the Holy Spirit you cannot lead a victorious life in Christ. But the connectivity with the Holy Sprit is that hand holding you above the waves. If not for Him, we would have given up very early on in our walk with God. Godly affirmations will help you maintain that conversation by connecting you to him. A Constant communication with the biblical foundation to stay connected.
What you tell yourself and all the words coming out of your mouth is thoroughly your responsibility. Speak life, joy and blessings. Use the powerful tool of Godly affirmations to be an overcomer in Christ.


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