Humility is the new strong

The strength of a person is seen when they are crushed. A crushing process is that test or trail by God that brings about a change in our habits or character. This transition is very difficult and requires complete submission to God. Habits are built over time and character is shaped by habits. If you’ve been wanting to bring about change in character, try revisiting your habits and mending them. It works.
Humility is one character that all wishes to possess but it’s very hard to practice. If you see a humble person, understand he is a man of wealthy but difficult experiences. Humility comes from a heart that is secure, happy, and content with the pace of their life. It doesn’t make them less ambitious or adventurous but they’re in a peaceful and healthy mental space.

God is very passionate about humble people. He knows that they understand the bigger picture of life. The humble will always choose to give God glory rather than take credit for what they have or can do. They focus on the kingdom of God and work towards its progression. The New Testament repeatedly emphasizes the virtue of being humble. Success, acceptance, or honor cannot be won forcefully but has to be an involuntary emotion. The Bible very clearly mentions that when you humble yourself in front of God in submission, He will direct your paths and in due time exalt you. Without humility, it’s difficult to please God.

Humility will be evident in a person who is secure with themselves irrespective of their conditions. Arrogant individuals are insecure. Many times the insecure people will use arrogance as a defense strategy when there is a confrontation or a criticism. Insecurity should be addressed early on and plucked before it gets deep-rooted. Understand your identity in Christ, the blessings you carry, and build your support system based on the Word in yourself. This will bring about peace and clear thinking. Clouded judgment is like a smokescreen but decisions under its influence are damaging. Apostle Paul and Apostle Peter, in their letters to the various churches and groups of believers, remind them to humble themselves before God. That’s because it’s the only way. Humility combined with Fear of God is the only way to have an honorable, rich and fruitful life. James rightfully said that without humility God’s grace is inaccessible. Proud will be resisted by Him.
As much as you glorify God in your accomplishments, the Grace of God in your Life will grow. Humility, Grace, and Honor are yours when Pride is absent. Humility is your strength because God is your strength!


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