Consequences of a bad choice

Choices are a gift and curse to mankind. This is one thing that is available to one and all although it may vary in terms of what the options are. Most of us wish, if we had chosen differently then maybe our life would have been in better shape. Have you ever wondered how you could have done differently? It’s easy for us to wish in the hindsight but in that situation if you were a careful decision maker, you’d know that was the best choice. Our choices are governed by the wisdom we acquire by experiences and knowledge we have from the world around us. If you’ve been through a lot of challenges your choice will be governed by paranoia – a fear of something going wrong. So you choose to safeguard. All choices have consequences! It may be good or bad. If you’re a believer in Christ all choices that don’t align to the Perfect will of God is a bad choice and that will have consequences.God’s plan is always the best one and it is better than any plan we can make. He knows our innermost emotional needs that have to be satisfied rather than the superficial requirements we focus on. It’s a spiritual blessing to be in the perfect plan of God.
What do we do if we’ve made choices that are not in the perfect will God? Repent and reconcile with God. Move forward keeping him in the center of your decisions. God forgives and adopts you into His permissible will and guides you through. It is an ongoing life long process. When you choose next time be careful.
The Bible has numerous examples of choice but the most astonishing one was Ruth’s choice to stay back with Naomi after the death of the husband. The family had lost their father and two sons. A house of widows and Naomi in her anguish asks her daughter-in-laws to leave because she wanted to get back to her people. One of the daughter-in-laws leaves but Ruth chooses to stay with Naomi. She even goes on to say, “your people will be my people, your God will be my God.” How difficult is that choice in the middle of poverty, sadness, hopelessness and distress. That was a breakthrough decision. You must realize that God didn’t make that decision for her, but it was hers. God will not make your decisions; it’s your responsibility to choose wisely. That one decision changed Ruth’s life forever and she is now featured in the ancestry of Jesus Christ.
Thereby, making correct Christ- centered choices are mini- breakthroughs. Spending time in prayer, reading and meditating the Word of God another. Your communion with God needs to grow by the day and your relationship stronger. Make good choices everyday.


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