Simple but powerful, God my father

If you’ve read the Bible, you’ll notice that our God is simple, straight – forward and powerful at the same time. Be it in His restriction to Adam in the Garden of Eden, the 10 commandments to Moses or the 2 commandments Jesus emphasized on in the New Testament. Our God likes to keep our lives simple and joyful, it’s only us who complicates our situations by not adhering to simple commands.
Why is it so difficult for us to follow simple commandments, in spite of the Holy Spirit constantly convicting us of disobedience? This is something that all of us face in our day-to-day walk with Christ. There is this constant battle between the Spirit and Flesh, many times the flesh overpowers our Spirit. Lets study this and address the qualities that hinder us and overcome it in Jesus name.

God’s instructions seem insignificant.

The simpler the instruction, more insignificant it
becomes. We don’t give importance to what God says. This characteristic is sad. Many issues
could have been resolved if dealt through instructions God guides us through.

But then with so many factors around us, we lose focus on God and make decisions based on the situations
around us.


Is this characteristic dominating your decisions? We need to repent and turn to God.
When we take pride in our education, exposure, talents, skills and understanding we will fall and
loose out on our blessing. It is seen in the Bible in various situations where pride paved the
downfall of great men of God. However, when individuals listened overcoming pride, they have been victorious.

Let me explain with an example. Namaan and Prophet Elisha in 2 Kings 5:1-9.
It was a matter of trust that was required but Namaan got offended by the simple act, which
Prophet Elisha asked him to do. His pride of position and power overshadowed him and almost convinced him to live with leprosy rather than be healed. God dealt with it beautifully and the
process is amazing.

But its important for us to understand that Namaan overcame pride and listened to the servant. He could’ve declined that too. He repented and submitted to the instruction of the prophet and got healed. Pride will eat away your blessings. Be humble and submissive to the plan of God. It’s important and will bring breakthroughs.

Religious mindsets also contribute to complicating our situations.

When we have a religious mindset, traditions become more important than maintaining a relationship with God. And this is toxic to our walk with God. Jesus had a very simple instruction to follow in order to be saved. It was to repent, accept Christ as your personal savior and lead a holy life.

But the early Christians couldn’t take it at all. Although they had knowledge of the savior king, all their traditions and theories diverted their minds away from Jesus, the King.

Let’s work on maintaining a
relationship with God rather than focusing on traditions.

Inconsistency is another characteristic that will drain you in the middle of an adverse situation.

Consistency in holding on to God will be your key to a fruitful life. Consistency is easy when you’re guided by the Holy Spirit. The guidance of the Holy Spirit will help you to think about the spiritual realm rather than the earthly desires.

With so many things changing around us let’s hold onto God and remain consistent in His presence.
With these thoughts I would like to encourage you to analyze the characteristics God is asking you to change and seek His help to rectify. It’s simple, ask God and He will tell you.


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