Trusting God for Safety

A Blessed Home – Trusting God for Safety

Psalm 4:8 is a powerful verse that provides comfort and reassurance in times of trouble. It says, “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” This verse encapsulates the profound trust and reliance on God’s protection and guidance. At first glance, the verse appears to be about finding restful sleep. However, it goes beyond physical rest and delves into the realm

Divine Blessings and Assurance

A Blessed Home Study – Divine Blessings and Assurance

Deuteronomy 28:6 is a verse found in the Old Testament of the Bible that holds significant meaning for believers. It states, “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.” This passage conveys a powerful message of divine favor and protection that resonates with individuals seeking guidance and assurance in their lives. At its core, this verse emphasizes the concept of blessings bestowed upon those

Blessings of the Redeemed

Blessings of the redeemed

Salvation is one of the greatest gifts any being can receive in their lifetime. Jesus Christ offered it to us freely and wholeheartedly. It was the redeeming sacrifice on the cross that has promised us an eternal life and a life free of bondage, adversity, distress and great power to overcome the trials and tribulations of the world through the grace of God.  We as believers are redeemed from the

Fear of moving into the unknown

Fear of Moving into the Unknown

When the abyss of the unknown is a dreadful terrain to climb, we find it difficult to even start the journey. The fear that sets in when there is an absence of familiarity is real. This could be the reason why we often procrastinate a task. This fear needs to be dealt with because discouragement and self-demotivation will soon set in. The Bible very clearly teaches us how to handle