A Well Being Prayer

3 John 1:2 is a verse from the New Testament of the Bible that states: “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” This verse, although short, carries a profound message about the holistic well-being of individuals.

The verse begins with the phrase “Dear friend,” indicating a warm and affectionate tone. It conveys a sense of care and concern for the recipient of the message. The author expresses a heartfelt prayer, demonstrating the importance of spiritual and physical well-being.

The first part of the verse states, “I pray that you may enjoy good health.” This emphasizes the significance of physical well-being. Good health is a precious gift that enables individuals to lead fulfilling lives. It encompasses various aspects, including maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, and taking care of one’s body. The verse acknowledges the value of being in good health and highlights the importance of this blessing in one’s life.

The second part of the verse declares, “and that all may go well with you.” This broader statement encompasses not only physical health but also encompasses all aspects of life. It signifies the desire for a person’s overall welfare and prosperity. It reflects the idea that a person’s well-being extends beyond their physical state and encompasses their relationships, work, finances, and other areas of life. The verse encourages a state of harmony and abundance in all aspects of life.

Lastly, the verse concludes by stating, “even as your soul is getting along well.” This portion highlights the spiritual dimension of well-being. It recognizes the significance of the soul and its connection to a person’s overall state. A healthy soul implies having a strong relationship with God, nurturing spiritual growth, and finding peace and contentment in one’s inner being. The verse suggests that true well-being includes the alignment of the soul with the physical and material aspects of life.

In summary, 3 John 1:2 offers a concise yet powerful message about holistic well-being. It emphasizes the importance of good health, prosperity, and spiritual growth. The verse encourages individuals to strive for balance in all areas of their lives, recognizing that a healthy body, flourishing circumstances, and a nourished soul contribute to a fulfilling existence.
