God meets us at our extremities

Life situations at some time or the other will push us to an extreme. Extreme poverty, rejection, depression, sickness, anxiety and hopelessness is just few to name. It’s crucial what we do or whom we look up-to at that point. It’s going to be that game changer. The reasons why we go through what we’re going through could be many, however, if it’s a process God is taking you through you have to be tuned to the voice of God. Many times extremities push us towards God; Psalms 121 is a great example. You look above, unto God. A drawback is we often look unto God as the last option, that’s not good. God expects us to consider him as the only option. If not for God then who? No one can. You know nothing is impossible for God then why look to people for help.

One of the greatest miracles recorded in the Bible by Jesus is the healing of the Woman with a blood issue. So many years of torture, shame, poverty, discomfort, pain and sadness. It’s amazing to see that she didn’t give up and approached Jesus. That’s the key -Hope! Hope will rekindle the faith and faith will bring your miracle. A woman in the middle of a judging crowd, she overcame all because she saw Hope. “If only I touch the Hem of His garment”, she strives to reach him. Her desperation is evident and it’s relatable even in our current age. The scripture is the living Word of God, it will perfectly fit into our life too even now. Once she reaches and touches his garment. She’s Healed! Best part is that woman at the time had not much knowledge of Jesus and His power. She had just heard of Him and believed. Hearing the word of God is important. Extremities will push you to do anything to get out of it. We need to choose right. She chose to trust that Jesus can heal her. She chose wisely. It wouldn’t have been easy, there must have been so many voices discouraging her, she fought it all. She had to, to get out of her extremity.

We must also understand that the Holy Spirit’s manifestation was not so profound as it is now, during our days. We have an option of turning to God in the first instance, Holy Spirit is by our side always, to help us make the right decisions and escape the plot of the devil. However, since we don’t walk closely and tune ourselves to the Lord we falter. It’s something we have to watch out for and not repeatedly fall into his trap. Let’s walk in the power of the Holy Spirit every day. Let the only extremity in our life be the presence of our God.


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